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ASFX Is Tuesday’s Sub Penny Alert

On January 30, 2012, in Featured Plays, by PennyStockRumors.net

Good afternoon readers and welcome new subscribers! Tonight’s company has been around for quite some time now, but that doesn’t mean it’s not allowed to provide traders with a new trade opportunity! Make sure you read our report on ASFX so you can see for yourself what type of potential we’re looking at! If you [...]

UYMG Is Back On Our Radar ! Put It On Yours !

On September 26, 2011, in Featured Plays, by PennyStockRumors.net

Good evening readers and welcome new subscribers ! We all know that the healthcare industry has numbers and statistic that are incomprehensible; and after recent attention from the presidential administration, we wanted to bring you a sub penny company that in a sector worth billions . The best part is that this company is trading [...]

Watch Out: TOFS Is Our New Sub Penny Play !

On August 22, 2011, in Featured Plays, by PennyStockRumors.net

Good evening readers and welcome new subscribers ! Let’s get right to it ! Our new sub penny alert is: TOFS - 247MGI, Inc. TOFS is a sub penny company trading at just .0015 per share ! TOFS is a one-stop media and advertising company that assists its clients by creating marketing materials utilizing technology [...]